Be a member of your local chapter

In becoming an official member of the Freedom From Religion Foundation Metropolitan Chicago Chapter, your dues will fund educational and social events, and work to keep state and religion separate.  This also provides the following benefits to members:

  • Vote for volunteer Board candidates
  • Eligibility to run as a Board candidate
  • Receive a special monthly e-newsletter to keep you updated on FFRFMCC activities, and how you can get involved
  • Receive discounts on certain social and educational events

To become a member of the Freedom From Religion Foundation Metropolitan Chicago Chapter (FFRFMCC), a membership with the national Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) is required.

Please join the FFRF at before applying for membership with the FFRFMCC.

Please note that although we are a non-profit organization, we are not registered under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Therefore, your membership dues are not considered to be tax exempt.

FFRFMCC dues are:

  • Individual Annual Membership – $15.00 (Eligible for One Vote)
  • Household Annual Membership – $20.00 (Eligible for Two Votes)
  • Student Annual Membership – $5.00 (Eligible for One Vote)
  • Individual Lifetime Membership* – $200.00 (Eligible for One Vote)
  • Household Lifetime Membership* – $250.00 (Eligible for Two Votes)

Household memberships consist of up to two adults and any number of their children under the age of 21.

Annual memberships run from January 1 to December 31.

*Only individuals who have established Lifetime membership status with the national Freedom From Religion Foundation can be eligible for Lifetime memberships with FFRF Metropolitan Chicago Chapter.

To join FFRFMCC via PayPal, click the Donate button below.  Please indicate membership option in the comment box.

To join FFRFMCC via mail, send your name(s), address(es) and check (with FFRFMCC as the payee) to  FFRF Metropolitan Chicago Chapter,  P.O. Box 480283,  Niles,  IL  60714.

For those who are not members of the national Freedom From Religion Foundation but would like to be kept apprised of events organized by the FFRFMCC, you may do so simply by joining our Meetup page.  There is no cost to joining the Meetup as a non-member, and you will receive notification with information details for all of our public events.

Thank you!